Snap Schedule 2011 is a comprehensive business management solution that allows you to organize your employees' working days including their shifts, vacations, leaves, etc. The program comes with a series of samples for different fields (restaurants, police department, medical staff, etc.), so you can have an idea on how to use the program in the most efficient way. The program features a Microsoft Office 2007 look and feel, making the program very easy to use for those who usually work with Word or Excel, for instance. Several improvements to how the app looks and feels have been made in this version.
With this program, you will be able to create working schedules for a week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, etc. and also view them by employee or by shift. You can even send the schedules to your employees by email and auto generate schedules following a customized plan. The program also includes a great variety of printable reports that cover almost every aspect of the application. What is great about the program is that you can customize absolutely everything for your convenience and include as much information as you want.
The program is extremely complex and offers options that are great to manage a big staff, so it is perfect for big companies. However, if you have a small company, I wouldn't spend so much money in this program since you can find other simpler applications that will surely cover all your staff management needs.